Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

is made manifefl by God. yet fall into the fame againe and againe, it will kerne that it was but a falte forrow: So if thou dolt pretend forrow for thy fins, and yet relapfeft into themagaine, it is a flight forrow that God regards not. So much (hall ferve to take away the Excu- fes, learne to lay this to heart, and confider ir, and fee how you bee inexcufable : Now to make ufe of it. The firft Vfe is to juftifie God, learne to lay the blame where it is, that is, on our (elves; thinke not that God condemns any without caufe, for every man is inexcufable. And here this point is fpe- cially to be marked : I doe not fay,men are inexcu- fable onely in regard of Adams fin (that being a Truth we all affent unto, that in regard of L 4dams fin,the ability we had,we loft in him)but I will go further; men are inexcufable in regard of the pre - fent condition,and their aEtuall fins, marke it well. The reafon whereupon he infers that they are inex- cufable, is ; God hath made Himfelfe known to them, namely by His Workes and Creation; He goes not to madams fin, but they had knowledge enough ; this knowledge they praëtifed not, and in regard of the prefent a6tuall evils which they committed, they are inexcufable. Therefore,that God maybe glorified and juftified, that he may be true, and every man a lyar, know that God con - demneth not for any more than He hath revealed, as fome hive onely the Law of Nature, fo they are 1condemned only for breaking that Law, they are not condemned for not worfhipping God accor- ding to the Law oft iores or the Gofpell, but fim- P 4 p1Y vf