Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

1 Zt6 S .IX. Objee. Log nfa) . The Law of mans judgement ply and only for breaking the Law of Nature; They that have finned withent the Law, flail be con- demnedwithont the Lare, Rom. z. 12. That is,at the laft day there ¡hall no more be laid to their charge, this you knew, and this you broke ; So againe, they that only knew the Law of Mofes, yea,at this day,if there be any Iew in the world,which never heard of Chrifl,wbich never had meanes to know him,he /ha/ not be condemned for not beleving in Chriji, but for the breach of the Law of Nature, and the Law of Mofes :and thereaforr is good,tor by the fame reafon that the Gentiles ¡hall not be condemned for break- ing the Law of Mofes,by the fame equity & ground, they that have not the knowledge of the Gofpell, fhall not be condemned for breaking the Law of the Go /jell: So that if we confider this, There is no man (go thorow all) but God fhalllay this to his charge at the day of judgement; Do not fay,I bound thee to impoffible things,that I laid on thee a Law, thou couldft not keepe,thou (halt not have this ex- cufe left thee, I gave thee ability to domuch, but thou didit not doe that thou wert able to doe, for that is the condition of every man, he is able to doe more than he cloth, and i f any man perifh, it Or not doing the things he was able to do. But you will fay, G o D might have revealed more. I answer, God doth lead along, but men do Po -. nere obices, lay blocks in his way ; God doles not onely in Iufice, but in much mercy with any vef- fell of wrath : Indeed he loves the godly in a fpe- ciall manner, but mercy he fhewes to every man, and