Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

is made manife/t by God. and the reafon why he is not brought to more ISEaM.IX. light, is, becaufe he layes blockes, and when God rcveales íH11, he layes more,, till at length there be an end of his patience and longfuffering. To give an inflame in Saul and David; God led Saul along, but he fins Rill; God leads him on, till at length he went his way, and God leaves him quite ;.but in David you (hall finde as many frail. ties as in Saul ; if you looke on Davids nature, the prong temptations to which he was fubjeCt, he was ready to lay blockes too ; but becaufe God had a peculiar love to David, he removed them all; yet God dealt with Saul in much mercy, he fhew- cd much patience, and long- fuffering 5 but David he loved with a peculiar love, therefore he carried him thorow all : So it is with all the faithfull,i will pat my feare in thine heart, that thou lbalt never de- part from me, faith God. But,you will fay, this is to preach Free -will, and object. if men have free -will and be condemned for not doing what they might do, what is the difference betweene the Do rive of the Papifts and this I anfwer,Though there be a free -will to do that, Lii''ff'' . for the not doing of which they (hall be condem. ned ; fo as you cannot come to any particular that thefe men cannot doe, yet God hath kept it in his power to draw whom he will,to fanCtifie whom he will,for God keeps thefe twotogether,he keeps men within compafle of common grace, fo that they may doe much of themfelves, and the changing of mens hearts, the enabling of them tobeleeve ef= fetually, or repent, the drawing of them to God, that 217