Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

z18 S fi x rI .I y that is, proper to G o n : So that thefe may .. , well ftand together, this freedome they have, yet it is not in any mans power to beleeve, to repent efle tually. yf 2' The fecond ufe we fhould make of it, is for pra- ticc ; ¡carne hence then to juflifie God,and to con - demne our (elves, to thinke well of'Him, and ill of our felves,to give Him the glory of His mercy,and patience, and long fffering; and to take fhame to our felves,Iay the blame where it ought to be laid for let a man have committed never to great, never fo many fins, if he path, fomething to fay for him. felfe, he will ne ?w.r he humble ; labour to come to this, to fee that to . haft nothing to fay for thy felfe, to fee that thy fin is out of meafurc finfull, as indeed it is; and this will put a neceffity on thee,and teach thee to love ninth, becaufe much is forgiven thee, and till this thou canfi not be a man fit for Chria : Thereforeyou (hall find thefe two expreL fions, Rom. 3. c.Á are under finne : And the like is in Galath.3.2 . He bath fine up all under fin, that the p r o m i f e b y thefaithefIx s u s C H R I s T might be given to them that beleeve, that every mouth may bee flopped. That is, before God will thew mercy, He will bring them to fee that are inexcu- fable, that their mouths may be every way flop- ped, that they may have nothing to fay for them- felves, that they may have no excufe,no PoJtica,no back- doore : when a man is Phut up in finne, when there is no evafion, nothing to extenuate fin with - all, then his foule is humble, and begins to finke before God ; then he fees neceffity ofcomming to Chrift; The Law of mans judgement