Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

is made mani feti by God. 219 Chrifl,and is brought into the cafe they were in, in SEA rz,IX. the fecond Chapter of the I.4GIS, c 7rfen and bre. - thren, whatfliall we doe to be f zved ? As if they fhould fay, before we thought we were in a good conditi- on, at leaf we had fomething to hold by in our ap- prehenfion, but when Peter fhewes them their guil- tineffe, then, men and brethren what !hall nve doe to be faved : This is it. the Scripture cals, L.dff tc`l your ferves,zam.3. Now the GreekNword for Afiliefion, is, sa that is,wheí forrow fiaods round about a man, when there is no may toget our, when one is hedged in on every lido, far when there is any Icape, it is not properly an Afhieion,becaufe there is an evafion, a way to helpe out 5 cur that makes it an Affliction, when it co:ipaffes us round, when we have nothing to fay, when al: objeelions are re- moved, fo that we arc throughl convinced of fin, this flits up prefent apprehenfion of danger, pre - lent fórrow for fin,and when any Af iiEtion is pre - fent, it will have prefent eafe, There be many excufes, but when the Holy Chou removes -all thefe, then men are driven to Chrift, indeed; be- fore they clave to fin,as to their Center,ftil depart- ing, and loath to depart, for men come out of the fate of unregeneration, as Lot came out of Sodome, who was fo loath to come out,that the Angell was faine to draw himout; fo till we be all nothing, till there be no-twig to hang by, rill there be no Fi bra to nourifh us on our owne bottomc, we will never come to Chrift : as boob, if he could have efcaped saloman, he would not have flowne to the homes of the Alter, but when he faw no hopes, then he laid