Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

220 The La7' of mans judgement S & R M .IX, laid hold on them, and laid, ¡flee will kill mee, bee fluff kill mee here : So if wee can fhbfilt in our naturali condition wherein we are,we will love it, we will cleave to it; but when God bath ferited us out of all our turning, that there is no hope left, then we goe to Chritt, then we take hold on the homes of the Alter ; as when a man hath a cord let downe to him into the Sea, you need not bid him hold fait : So when God takes away all excufes, takes a man, quite from his owne bottome,curs him from the root of Nature on which he grew, this makes him come to Chrift. When we tell men of their fins, that they are attuned, that doe not keep every part of the Law, they deale with us as the 'Egyptians did, when it was told them, that in eve. ry houle the firít borne Mould die, except the de- ftroying Angell faw their doore_pofts fprinkled with bloud, they regarded it not, they mindedit it nor, till the very day, and then where the bloud, was notfound,t hey died for it: So we may tell you of fin, of the danger you are in, we may tell you, that you (hall die, yet you beleeveit not, onely a few, whole hearts are fprinkled with the bloud of the Lambe, they indeed defer it nor, for they doe n0 ;.know how foone the deftroying Angell may come. Therefore labour to be convinced, this is to know what a Mediator is, and not to have it in fpeculati- on only. And here it were good toconfider,what that is that holds men on their roots ; there is an Anchor under water, though men fee it not, that keepes them in their old condition, if wee could hit on it. And