Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

T is made mani fefi by God. 221 And ir is either Inconfideration, men confider S fi R M.IX. not what they have to doe, they Tooke not about them according to that in veut.z9. Ton have Means where- by men are all what the Lord did to Pharaoh,but the Lord bath not kept in their given you hearts to confider it this day Now if you old condition. aske what Confideration is . I anfwer, Confdera- Fire, Inconfi- > > deration, tion is nothing elfe but an ad fuperadded to know- ledge, when a man not only knowes, but returnes and reflects on what he knowes, when he fiayes and abides on ir, when he lookes round about a bu- finel e, not on a corner of it, but fully and weighes every.circumfiance : Therefore we are faid ro pon- der our wayes, when we doe not onely looke to that which is prefent, but to the time pa[} and to come, when all things are taken in : Now when a man (hall lay all together, when he fhall confider, that is, thinke ferioufly, and remember ..that bee bath but a little time to live here, and that there is another place where he fhall'live for all eternity, thathe bath an immortall foule,and that his fiate is dangerous, that his fins are great, and the wrath of God is as a confusing fire; when there are laid to- gether,when he confiders them,and fiaieson them, by there meanes he comes to fee with his eyes, and underfiand with his heart, and to be converted and healed ; but becaulle men dticónfìder, thence it is i that they grow on their room fill, and are not brought to this inexcufableneffe,nor have al Argu ments taken away. Or another reafon is, fame Lufl, there is a Some aunt. worldly credit, riches, pleafures, or fomething which they arc loath to part with, the rich man will Ob.