Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

222 ne Lau; of mans judgement S&RM.IX. will not part with his poffefiions, they in the twelfth of Saint John will not part with their credit with the Pharifees, Ieroboam will not part with his Kingdome, till thefe Arguments (hall bee an- fwered, and G o n (hall cut off thofe fnares, for fo they are termed, 2 rim. 2. 2 S. Waiting if God will give them repentance,to know the truth,and to come out ofthefnare ofthe Devill, who taketh them at his will The meaning is, every man, before he be regenerate, is holden by (ome fnare, the fnare is tome luft,the root of it is force falfe reatoning3now when men come to know the truth, and to be deli- vered out of the fnare of the Devill, when God . convinceth a man,and opens that truth,undoes that falfe reafoning on which that luit is founded, he cuts the fnare afunder, and then they are let at li. berty : Every man faith, I cannot live without cre- dit, without my faate, without my kingdome, (as every man bath a kingdome of his owne) when God teacheth that this is vanity, and if we will be happy, the belt way is to terve God with a perfeEt heart,when God teacheth the contrary Truth,then he is out of the fnare of the Devil], when he hath awaked his confcience,that he is ficke offin,that he feeles his rebellions, then the thing he magnified before, is nothing now ; As when a man is ficke, the houfes and orchards he magnified before, are now not regarded, his dainty fare, and gorgeous appareil, he hath no pleafure in them, for he is fick So it is with the Soule when God chargeth fin on the Confcience. Againe, when G o D fhewes better things than