Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

is made mani feg by God. I 223 thanthefe, ast-lebr. 10.34. They had inheavena S1aM.1X. better, and an enduring fubftance, and therefore cared for nothing : Th y cared not for parting with their goods, when they had another righteoufneffeto rruit to : So when G o n opened the heavens and (hewed Himfelfe to Paul, he reckons alias dung and drof, he Both not magnifie what he did before. And thus are men freed from the fnare of the De- vili : Therefore when a man (hall deferre and think I am ready to come, but I will not yet : I fay, thefe muff, be taken away, for they are falfereafonings by which we are built on our root : Now when a man Mall be perfwaded of the danger of putting the evill day far from him, when the Holy Ghofi shall give him wifedome to number his dayes, then he will take to himfelfe new thoughts. Every man naturally feares death, but becaufe it is farce off, no man regards it ; and fo becaufe we put the evill day farre from ts, we turne not to God; now when God (hall convince a man of the Truth, and teach br, to number his dayes : Well, thou art now in health and ffrength, but when thou commeft to number the dayes that remaine , they are very fmall. Put cafe a man had an hundred dithes of meare before him, if one comes and (ayes, Take heed what you doe, for one ofthefe ditties is poy- fon, he will not tafte of any of them,except he have taken an Antidote before : So when the H o 1. Y G H o s T teacheth, it is true, In one of rhefe dayes is death, thou flak finde poyfon that Mall take away thy life ; whether firff or laff it is unter. i taine, if thou wert wife to confider thy latter end, that