Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

224 Ì The Lav of mans judgement S E M .IX. ! that is, if thou hadft the wifedome, which God mull teach, thou wouldft fee little reafon, why to venture thy foule on one of there dayes, if thou haft not made thy Eleäion Pure ; for this is as to eat of one ofthofe difhes when there ispoyfon in it. Therefore confider (beloved) what uncertain- ty of life there is, what it is to venture the foule, and what eternity is : When God (hall teach this, and ttirre up prefent affections of fear; and apprc. henfion of wrath,it will teach a man not to deferre, but to come home fpcedily. Again,when this place of Scripture,and the like, (hall be ferioufly confidered,That if the Good-man of thehoafe knew at what time the Thiefewould come, hee would have an eye to him; That Chrift hath threatned all before hand that doe not warch,dard I will come at a time thou thinkeft not of me : If thou didit confider this when thou art moil fecure and furtheft off from G o n, in the rnidfl of thy jol- lity, and fait a fleepe, i will come at a timewhenthou lookeft not for mee : And didfl thou thinke this threatning in vaine :' Didft thou beleeve this Scrip- ture and lay it to heart a thou wouldeft not deferre thy Turning to God. Againe, confider, put cafe thou haft liberty, if fickneffe come and give theewarning, alas how fare art thou from being able to repent a Are the times in thine hand r Mull not the H o L Y G x o s r change thine heart a If thou dolt now take refolution to amend, haft not thou caufe to fufpe I that it proceeds from felfe.Iove r For if