A S E R M. 0 N PREACHED AT A General' Fail, before the Commons -flou j of Parlia- ment, July 2. I6z5. NUMB ERS 25. I0, II. L./lathe Lord/J ake unto t/íofes, fayin , Phinehas the pone ofEleazer the fonof (Aaron the Priefi, bath turned my wrath away from the chil- dren of Iliad, (while hee was zealous for my rake a_ mong them) that I conrumed not the children of Ifrael in my jealoufre. E E are met together, you know, to fantifie a Faft to the Lord. I will therefore fpeake a word, or two, of that-Zuty, before I come to the Text which I have read to you : But I will doe it briefly,the Common place Q3 thereof, r