Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

23o 4Sermon Preached before thereof, being too large a fubjed at this time to enter into. Failing is no And firfl, we will fay thus much to you ; That Arbitrary duty this duty is a neceflary, not an arbitrary thing, which we may dot, or leave undone at our plea- lures : You know there be many examples ofit, I many commands for it in Scripture ; but of them j Which is pro- we will only repeate two : The firfi is that in Joel 2. ved by Texts 15. (a lace well know) Sanel a to me a Fa I of scripcnre, calla folemne you embl . } i ' J ff y When the Lord began to fend Iudgement on the Land, he firaitly enjoyncd the performance of this duty, which fhowes that it may not be left undone at pleafure. To which I will adde that in Efay 22.12,13)14. The L o x n called in that day to weeping, and mourning ; but becaufe at that time they fell to re- joycing : It was revealed by the Loan of Hs fls, Í that that fin fhouldnot be purged away till their death. When there is a time for Falling, and when there are juft occafions for mourning and humiliation, the Lord doth then fo require ir, that if you doe it nor, but will doe the contrary, the Lord will never forgive it ; it is a fin that (hail not be purged away till you die. The definition You will fay then, What is a Fafl e In a word, of a Fait. a Fiji is nothing elfe but the fancfifying or jetting apart of day for humiliation, reconciliation, and re- formation. I fay, it is to fanElifie a Day ; becaufe the day of a Fiji mull bee equal( to the Sabbath the very word ufed in that place of loci, .anüi f e me a Faß,fhewes as much. In that day you may do no fir- vile worke, but mull keepe it holy to the Lord.. That