Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons -houfe ofParliament. That you have to doe in that day is, firft to humble your Pelves, as in that place of b el, Turne to mee with feting, mourning, and weeping. Se- condly, it is for Reconciliation, Levit. 23.27. it is called a day of Atonement. Laftly,it is for Reforma- tion, and therefore in the day of falling, the whole people entred into covenant with God ; as in Nehe . the ninth Chapter, and the beginning of the tenth verfe,you (hall fce the Princes, and people came al- together, and feale a Covenant to the Lord, to re- forme their fin of taking ftrange wives, and entred into a curfe,and an oath to walke in Gods Law. I will fay no more of that,but will only tell you, what are the failings which wee are moft fubjeet to in this buftnefl'e ; for we may know the difeafe by the medicine : if God take great care to pre- vent our falling into a finne, it argues that we arc apt to fall into it. And firft, we are very ready to reft in the worke don, in opere operato, to thinke that the very action will pleafe God. Therfore it is care- fully added in Teel 2. Rend not your clothes, but your hearts : that is, when you come to fanaifie a Fall, do not thinke that the very outward per formante of the duty moves mee: It is the heart that I looke to, therfore you muff take care that at this time, your greateft bufines be with your harts.Lev.a3.29. He who in that day (meaning the day of the annual Fait, which was then in(tituted) doth not afflua hisfoule (for fo the word is to be tranflated) Jhall be cut of from his people. The outward performance is not the thing that God ref pets,or accepts;he doth not regard that, (for he is a Spirit, and beholds the be- Q_4 haviour 221 The defeat which we are Cub je& to in performing that duty . r. Toreftin the work done