Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

z To do it for a fit. 3 Not to re- forme upon the doing of it, Hof. 7.1 4. A Sermon Preached before haviour of the fpirit;) he confiders how we are af. feed in fecret before him. A fecond thing wherein we are apt to faile,is,to thick that one day is enough,and when that is done, there is an end ofthe bufinetle: but it is not fo, that is but the beginning of it. Efay 58.5.1s this a Faß, to hang dowse your bead for a day ? Is it to bow it down a. 4 Bulruf h ? B ulrufhes,you know,in a forme hang down their heads, but when faire weather comes they lift them up ag aine. So when atllidion is upon us, we are apt to humble our foules for a time,for a fit; but when a little peace or profperity cornes,we forget to be longer humbled : whereas the end of a Fat}, is fo to begin the worke of Humiliation, that we may the better continue it afterwards. A third defect is this, we are perhaps content to do the duty, and with fome affeCion too, but there followes no reformation oflife.Therfore in the fame chapter,fee how carefully that is put in;1s this an ac. ceptable day to the Lord ? Will laccept filch a Faß au this ?When youfnd pleajure, and continue infirife and debate ? That is, the Lord regards not the bare per- formance of the duty,unles theend ofit be attaynd;. now the end) is nothing elfe, but that every particu- lar man reforme the evils he is fubjeC to; yea, his particular weakneífes, and perfonal infirmities,the mending ofw h , is carefully to beendeavoured wh r; we fanCifie a fa fi to the Lord;elfe we affemble to- gether for wine and for vile, As jibe fhould fay,you have not fought me when you howled upon your beds; but your wine and your vile : That is,men are affeCed with the judgments of the Lord,they delire to