Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons - houle ofParliament. 2 to have them removed, they with for cafe and pro - fperity, and for that they affemble themfelves; but to Me, faith he, ye return not. A beaft will do as I much when it feeler any eviil oppreffing it ; and therefore God cals it, howling on their beds,an anion proper to beafts : but the Lord looks,that you Peek him in fincerity, and that you labour to make your hearts perfect in him. In a word ; to conclude this,remember, there is a double performance of ,, ry holy duty ; one is, when we do the work as a taske, and are glad when it is over ;when we doe it as fervants that doe eye - fcrvice to their matters : another is,whep not onety the thing is done, but your hearts alto are wrought upon ; for that is the end ofekhe outward perfor- mance, and theworke is fo farce accepted as it bath an operation on our hearts and affe %ons. It is fo in every duty ; as in Prayer,when you call on God in private, doth G o D regard the words of a Prayer r No, but 'its working on your hearts, 'its humbling of them,'its bringing of them into tram, and making them perfed with God every day, by a thorow renewing of your repentance, and this is the doing of the thing. Amongkt your felves, if a fervant do only make a fhow of doing a thing,it is not regarded; but he that brings the thing to paffe is accepted of you : and that is it, which the Lord requires and accepts in our performances.Now we (hall fee that this Teat will helpe us to all that is re- quired in a pail, os will appearcin the particulars. Phine4as the tonne of Eleazer, &c] in the for- mer part of the Chapter the difeafe is fet downe, and There;s a dou- ble perform See! oc duties. When they be performed as Fails. a When its af- -. fe &ions arc , wrought upon in the duty. Verte 1.a, The ICraelites difeafe fin.