Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

234 The Ilraelites difeafc,fin. The confe- quent of fin is wrath. Verf.3. The eflea of Godswrath, the plague. The remedy was the tur- ning away of Gods wrath. Which was done by zeale And that for two reafons. A Sermon Preached before and that is fin, (which is indeed the onely difeafe of the foule) illuftrated from two confequents. Firft, from the wrath ofGod, who (as the Text faith) was very angry with ICrael, for they had com- mitted whore dome, and joyned with Baal-Peor. That was the difeaCe,the fin,for which they had brought on them Gods wrath. And fecondly from an effect of that wrath, the Plague; (God Bruck them with peftilence, that is the punifhment. In this Verfe is let downe the remedy, and that is the turning away of Gods wrath. For as the Phyfitian fayes, c.r !orbi cnrantur contraries, fo it is true in Divinity: as the wrath of God was the caufe of the plague, fo the turning away thereof is the remedy. d This turning away of his wrath is let forth by the caufe of its turning away ; and that was the zeale of Phineas, while bee was zealous for my fake; and that is made good by two reafons. One is the latter end ofmy Text; therefore have I not confumed them in my jealoufie. As if he had Paid, If Phineas had not beene zealous, my jealoufie íhould have burned more and more, and the jealoufie of hat fhould have beene utter deftru6ion. The fe- cond is Gods owne Teflimony, let downe before my Text. The Lord bimfelfePaidunto Mofees, that his wrath was turned away. I will fay no more for opening the words; but in them you (hall fee thefe five points lye evidently before you. Firff, in that the removal! of the plague is attri- buted to G o D, and to the turning away of his anger, Five generali points railed out of the text