Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Còí3tnons-houfe ofParliament. 235 anger, this is cleerely deduced: That it is God onely that doth good & evill;for you fee his anger brought the plague on them,and the turning away of his an- ger healed them againe. Secondly, it is fin that caufes Gods anger: an- ger in God bath alway relation to fin, for fin is the caufe of ir. Thirdly,the way to turne away the Lords anger is zeale, for his fake. Fourthly, if there be want of this zeale among us,his jealoufie fhall grow hotter and hotter,ìt (hall increafe upon us more and more. Fifthly, and laftly, the iifue ofthis jealoufie of his, will be utter deflru&ion. We will begin with the ftrfl,which is,That it is God only that doth good and evill to every Nati- on, to every Church and Kingdome, yea to every particular perfon. As you fee here ; it was not the corruption of the aire that brought the plague, nor the clearing of it with froft and wind, that turned it away; but the cloud of the Lords wrath flied this ftorme on them; and when he was appealed with them, there followed health and peace : The Lord wounds, and the Lord heales.For what is the plague but a (word in the hand ofan Angel,who drawes it out,and puts it into its (heath againe, at his Mailers Appointment ? And is not there the fame reafon of all other evils e War you know is a terrible thing, when enemies come as Bees on aland;but doth not the Lord hiffe for them r And againe,they are dri- ven away as with a breath at his appointment. Fa- mine is a leane devouring evill,wtia caufes the Land to r. General! point. God only dotla good and evil!.