Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

z;6 if Sermon Preached before to eat up the inhabitants therof;but is not the Lord the onely caufe of it e Doth not he make the Ilea_ , ven as braffe, and the Earth as iron a Doth not he when he will, open the windowes of Heaven, and unffop the bottels of the clouds , and powre out rain un(eafonablyeAnd is not he thccao(è of death, which is the journies end of both the former e To which every one of us is fubje6t, yet we confider it not. Though we fee men fall from the Tree of Life every day,yet we rega; t not.This the Lord cakes only to himfelfe,rfal.68.z o.To the Lord belong the iff"ues from death : and therefore let us give to the Lord, this great Prerogative of his; That he only doth good and evil,and let no man queftion it. You will fay, who doth queftion it a It is very true;we do not queflion it in words, but if we que- ftion it in our deeds,it is an argument that our harts make a doubt of it,though our tongues do not que- (lion it, Therefore let us examine'the matter. Certaine cons If we thinke the Lord only doth good and evill, emans rati. o for why then will not we obey him and ferve him, and ex ons of the pleafe him in all things a But provoke him to an. point. ger, by our words,and by our workes, as the Pro- phet fpeaks.Perhaps you will fay to me,as Saul an- t Conviction ; fwered Samuel, when he came from the war ofthe The frequency Amalekites; O thou bled of the Lord, I havefully dour finning. kept the commandement of the Lord;but faith Samuel, If thou haft done fo, What meanes the bleating ofthe Sheep,andthe lowing oftheOxen: So I fay to you, if you obey the Lord, what meanes fo many fins a- mongft usewhat means fornication &whoredome, which is fo frequent a what Dwane thofe Oathes amongft