Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

A Sermon Preached before amongft us, for which the Land mourncs e Not onely greater oathes,but fmaller oathes,which ex ceed the greater for frequency, though the greater exceed them,in that they take the Name of God in vaine. Againe what meanes the breaches of the Sabbath e Of which I will rpeake a word by the way: and that you may know that I doe not blame you for that as a finne, which is no fin, I will make this digreffion. Do you not thinke that Sabbaths are to be kept, and to be kc, °t holy : I will name but two reafons to make it good ; you fhall finde them in Efcy 57.3o. It is My Holy Day. Fir (Lit is a Holy Day,and if it be holy,you may do nothing theron that is common. A Vcífell that is fanai- fled and made holy, may not be imployed to take up common water,or ufed in common fervices,for it is holy. So the time ofthe Sabbath is holy,there. fore you mutt not fpend it about common aótions, for if you do,you prophane that which is holy. Secondly it is My Day, and if it be My Day, rob me not of it : every houre ofthat day that you fpend in common fpeeches and aáions,you rob the Lord ofthat houre, for all the day is his. And do not thinke that men were tied to this ob- fervance only,under the Old Teftamentibut know that it continues í}i11: doe but confider with your felves, if the Lord fhould have left it meerely in the power of the Church to appoynt a Sabbath day, it might have beene brought from a wecke to a moneth,and from a moneth to a yeare, and fo if of meeting together had beene no neceffity put upon `. us by God himfelfe, where would religion have beene e 237 A digreffion touching the Sabbath pro - ving, that it ought to bee fan f hfied. Becaufe it is a Holy Day. a Ir is Gods day. It is further convinced. e From the hazard of Reli- gion by leaving man at liberty.. V.P.791511.