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238 A Sermon Preached before beene And do you thinke God would not have provided for his Church better than fo. s From the Befdes,why fhould it be queftioned, when it is Antiquity of tranfmitted to us from the molt ancient times. lu. its celebration. flin c_Atartyr fayes, that on the day which we call Sunday, the Chriflians met together to worfhip God; and the people came out of the Countrey for that end,and it was a Solemne day. Tertuldian in his Apology faith as much : and therefore becaufe they fpcnt that day in worfhip_ ing God, all the Heathen called it Sunday. And in all ancient times it was never controverted, never called into queftion. 3 From the Againe, do we not need Inch a day e Therefore ulefutnefle of a the Lord faith, Sabbath ryas made for man ; as if he Sabbath, had faid,I could have fpared the Sabbath. It is not for my own fake and for my worfhip fake, but for mans fake,that is,lefl he fhould forget God,and be a ftranger to him, which would redound to our own hurt. And therfore (hall not we be willing to keep it, when it was for our owne fakes that the Lord appoynted it What gainers might we be in grace and .holines,ifwe would fanhife every Sab- bath as we fhould t' Should we be lofers by it : but this is a digreffion,and I fpeake it by the way. But marke it, I fay, if you keepe the Commandements. of God, What means this bleating of the fheept ? Thefe acts of difobedience on his owne Day conVi ion is Wee will goe on in the examination.. H in. our neglefting deed wee thinke that it is the L o a n that doth of duty. good and evill ; why are wee fo iaobfervant and negligent of him a why doe we reckon it a wea_ rineffe