Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

t. ,.,.- the Commons - houle ofParliament. 239 rineffe to ferve him a why turne wee Religion into formalitie, polling over holy duties in a carelefïe and negligent manner, whenwe fhould be careful! and fervent in the fame e Why is there fo little growth in religion, fo much barrenneffe in good workes , the price whereof is more than gold and flyer a In aword, Why doe wee turne the main e into the by , and the by into the maine : That is, why goe wee about all other bufineffe as our maine and chiefe fcope,and take in holy duties by the way, more to lop the mouth of naturali Confcience (as carnal! men may doe) than for any delight wee have in them ? If wee thinke God to be the Author of good and evill,why are thefe things fo e Every man is ready to profeffe his faith in the Truth here - of,but if wee did beleeve it,wee fbould be more careful! to pleafe the Lord in all things. Againe if wee thinke that God onely doth good and evil!, why have not_wee our eyes on him altogether e why doe wee not feare him , and no- thing eis, truft in him and in nothing befides , de- pend on him, and upon no other a In all our cala- mities and dangers, why doe wee not feeke to him as to one that onely can helpe us, and heale us You will fay,wee doe depend on God,wee truft in God and none but him It is very well if you doe; but confider , that to truft in God , is to partwith all for his fake, and to have an eye only unto the recompence of reward, to be willing to deny our felves in our profits, and credits , and pleafures, to be content to have him alone. Thus Saint Faule exprefles it, a Tim.1.13. Therefore, Conviction is our not fearing and nutting him alone. ,eft. L4nf. Dilcovering the Nature of muffing in God,which is- to be content with God alone.