Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

240 the Commons houfe of Parliament. I Therefore,faith he,have we fuffered tilde things,,for we know whom we have trufied. As if he had laid, we have parted with all, we are content to be led from prifon to prifon, we are content with God a- lone, for we know the power and faithfulneffe of him whom we have trufted. Againe, to truft in God, is then to aft on him, when the cafe is fuch (marke it) that if we falle we are undone, then to build on him as a lure rocke; that is the nature of true holines,and exat walking, when God puts us into an exigent, removes from us friends, takes away worldly helpes, yet in this cafe to truft him. Thus Heger trufted God, when the undertook that dangerous enterprize,ifl peril)), I perifh, when if the Lord had failed her, fhee had loft her life. So Daniel trufted God, when bee would put himfelfe.upon him,being in filch danger for the open profeffion of his Religion, which by death they would have forced him to deny. Thus vi fa trufted God,when he went with a fmal num- ber again(' a great multitude,the Text faith of him, That hetruled in God. Now do we thus truft him e Surely we doe not : but when faith and fenfe come into competition, when they meete together on a narrow bridge ; wee are ready to byas our confci_ ence the wrong way, to goe afide, and decline the blow, that is, we are ready in fuch a cafe, though with breach ola goodconfcicnce,fo to truft in God, that withal! we will keepe a lure foot on tome out. ward, probable, fenfible manes, that if God falles us, yc t, we may know what to truft to. The truth is, we do not leane to the Lord. For what is it to acne 2 To rely upon him in Exi. dents. Which is in- Ilanced in Hefter. And Daniel.