Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons-bale of Parliament. Ieane w him a You know a man is then faid ro ¡cane, when he (lands not on his owne feete,but fo refis the bulke of his body upon a raile, or n1 E, or thelike,that if it faile him,he fats down : To retl on God in this manner,is to ¡cane to him ; and did we thinke that hee had all power to doe good and hurt to the Creature,wee fhould thus trufl in him but in that we do it fo little, and fo feldome, it is an argument that whatfoever wee profefïe, wee doe not indeede beleve it. Laff of all (to make an end of this examination) if wee thinke indeed, that the Lord onely is able to doe good and evill, why doe we not that which is a neceffary code quent thereof,which you (hall finde in Gen. 17.1. it is Gods fpeech to Abra$ans,iam God t4l faffeie.t, therefore walke before morsel be perfeti. Marke that, when any man thinkes G o D to be Al fafficiens, that hee hath al power in his hands, that lice is vlt, mighty (for fo the word fignifies) that which will necefl'arily follow on this beliefe,is this ; hee will bee perfeci with the L o R D. You will fay, I hope we are perfe4t with G o D: But if we bee, why are our a lions fo difï'onant : why doe wee ferve G o D Toby halfes,and by fits 4't "hy arewe fo unequal¡ and uneven in our wayes we are zea. bus for a fit,and in force particulars,but grow cold again, as if we never had beene the men. We goe on in a good courfe, till wemeete with forrme crofíe, and then we baulkc it ; till wee meete with force advantage and preferment, and then wee ftep out of the way to take it : Is this to bee perfeet with GOD e But if wee thought the LORD to bee %Air /eficiens 241 ...Or..msrmenniess