Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Zq.2' .,70..117..MmeMo.. AMP/ 2. To proove she point. 1 Sermon Preached before All fuffident and Almighty, we would walkeper_ frilly before him. For what is the reafon that any man fleps out fromGod e It isbecaufe he finds fomething in the Creature, which he fees not in God 3 therefore faith God, lam Al fuffrcient,that is, let a man looke round about him, and confider whatfoever it is that he can defire or neede, he Mall have it in the Lord, for he is All. fu fficìent. Why then fhould not you be perfect with him e why will you flart frog him at any time, or upon any occafion e And this fhall fuffice to make it evident, that it is a very hard thing to beleeve this indeed, that God only is able to do good and evill. Indeed we care for the favour of Princes, and thinke that they can hurt, or do us good; and ther_ forewe are fo intent about them, fo bufily occupi- ed about them, but this would not worke on us fo much, if we did beleeve that which I have now de- livered unto you, that God ondly is the Authoiir of good and evill. Therefore will we reafon with you, and fee if we can plant this principle in you, and ftrengthen your beliefe thereof. For it is certaine that all the errours and obliquities we find in the lives Then, come from this, that thefe common Principles are not throughly belceved, but by halfes, and of them we fade in more than in this ;. for if we did beleeve that God is the caufe of all, we fhould ferve him with willing hearts and ready minds in all things. It is true, wee thinke God bath a chiefe hand in good and evill; yet we thinke the Creature can do fomwhat too,but.confider this one reafon, If