Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons -bout of Parliament. If the Creature were able to do you good or hurt, I will bee bold to fay to yon, that God were not God, and you might be abfolved fromwor- thipping him : For this is a principle planted in e- very mans nature, by the Author of Nature, that we regard or negleûevery Creature more or leffe, as they are more or Idle able to doe us hurt : now if the Creature could but ïn part do usgood or hurt, wee need not then care to worfhip the Lord only, for he onely could not benefit or hurt us, but God onely is to be worfhipped ; therefore he onely bath power to doe good or hurt. for on this ground wee worfhip him alone,, that tree onely is able to doe good or hurt, otherwife hee were not a com- pleat adequate G o D to the worfhip that is re- quired. Again, if the Creature could doe any thing, it might chalenge part in the Deity, but it is impof- llble there fhould be any more Gods thanone:Ther- fore it is the Lord only that doth good and evil'. Thus v4mos concluds it in his third Chapter, is there any evil' in the City that he bath not done ? And fo we may fay, Is there any good that he bath not done ; where marke the generality,is there any evil' that bee bath not done ? Therefore glorifie him in thy life, and in all thy wayes : For, as Daniel told Pelfhazer, In his hands are 411 our wages. That is, wee take not the leali ftep to profperity or ad- versity through the whole courfe of our life, but it is the Lord that guides our fteps. Therefore in Cor.I.3.paul cals him the God of all comfort exclu lively, fo that no Creature is able to joynewith R 2 him 243 Reafon I. If the creatures could do g ood or evil', God were not God, Reafis 2. The Creature mould be God Dans. s ;