Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons-houfe of Parliament. but by the Word of God,by his bleffing of it, and commanding the Creature to doe it. On the other fide ; take a difeafe, or any Creature that is fit to doe us hurt, it (hall not hurt, unlefTe the Lord fay, goe and ftrike fuch a wretch, be an inftrument of mine to punifh him. Let an Axe be never fo ( harpe and keene, till the Worke -man take it in his hand and apply it totheworke, it (hall doe nothing: So Gods bleffing and curfil * doth rll; for Gods blef- fing is nothing elfe, jifticibidding of the Crea- ture to doe fuch an one good ; and his curling is nothing elfe, but his bidding of a Creature of 1iet fuch an one : and therefore fometimes men are cheered by the Creature, fometimes againe they want that cheering ; fomtimes they have content - ment therein, and fometimes againc they have not. And hence it is, that there may be abundance of all things, and yet be no more than as the husk; with- out the graine, as the (hell without thekernell, af- fording nothing but emptincffe. Againe, you may have a hundred -fold with perfecution, that is, God can give you more comfort in perfecution, and the want of every thing, than you had in pro. fperity, when you had every thing fupplied: there- fore in Ier.9.23. fee how the Lord reafons,Let not the ftrong man rejoyce in his ftrength, nor the wifeman in his u'sfedome,and why For it is I the Lord which exercife loving kindnef, and judgement, and righte- oufnef e in the earth .As if he had faid, if thefe things were able to do you good or hurt, you might re- joyce in them, but it is i the Lord that (how juflice and judgement,and am only able to do all. So in R 3 efal, d 245 By their diffe- rent cffcâs. By places of Scripture.