Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

246 A Sermon Preached before ¡7fe I. To labour to fee God in his greatncfie, Which would draw our affe- ftions to God. The wsntofit curies us to the Creature, and brings us upon the dan- ger of Idolatry Pf 1.6z. t: o. Ifriches encreafe, fet not your Mart on ehem,and why :' For power belongeth unto God. But they might object, The Lord ufeth the meanes; that is anfwered in the Taft verf . It is true,bur God rewards according to our workes, and not accor- ding to our meaner, And fo much for the clear- ing of this ä now wewill apply it. Fir fl,if the Lore be able to do all good, and evil], then learne we .- ''ce tc, ve God in his greatnefle : the Lórd for - nox world, we doe not fee him in his ;; . efe'âtïd Majetly, and Almighty power ; if we did, it Would draw all our thoughts and aflfecîions to h'm, which are now occupied a- bout fo many feverall ties : I fay, they would be all pitched on hirityv pfccingthey are conver- fant about poverty °. Itichgazoi friends and dif grace,as able to do good evil' : it is an argument, we attribute that to du: creature which belongs to God,wch is no better then Idolatry : as in Colof. 3.5. Mort fe your earthly members, foruication,uncleaneffe, and covetoufuef which is Idolatry ; marke that. Now Idolatry is of two forts, either when you worfhip the true God in a wrong manner, or elfe when you make the creature God: and that you do either when , you conceive the creature under the notion of Cod, as the heathen did the Sun and Moone: and the Pa -' pills do the bread, (for if there be Idolatry in the World, that is Idolatry) or elle when you attri bute to the creature that which is proper to God,' that is, when you place your comfort and fafety in the creature,and fo place your joy & delight in him. And thus we do when we thinke riches or poverty by