Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons -boufe of Parliament. by their pretence or abfence can do us good or hurt. (hall fee there,the Prophet ufeth two arguments to prove that Idols were not gods:Firft, They tell rce no things to come Secondly,They do nei_ ther good nor evill.As if he l.+ id,if they could do good or hurt, they were, ^ z t there is»afecret opinion that lodgetü in t ugh we ob.. ferve it not, that t the -. `Á s od or hurt ; and therfo our opinion, w ; and thence it is thatthe °. e ; w`ia tAir hears, as Ab. folom was Paid is gat reople that is,he who s ; ¡gt .tooke; them. fecondly, he did it f - ccl .. deale the cr - tares with us, when weave á .: et opiniiar of them. The rich man in eh : much wealth about him concludes,Nora ' e thteafe. And when D4vids Mountain wastaattè flrong, he fays, therefore Oa not bee moved; and have not wee the fame thoughts in use Are not we ready to think,if I had fuch an advantage, fuch a friend, I fhould doe welleBut 1.fay to you, that if you had all thefe, you íhould not be a jot the better, nor in the want of all thefe arc you a or the worfe ; for it is God only that creates peace,and cómands comforts;that you may down for a conclufion. That is his Perogative Royall,and thence it is that we muff love him with all our hearts,and with all our foules ; thence it is, that we are not to regard the creature at all,becaufe hee onely can make our lives comfortable or not comfortable. If this were beleeved, how would it change our K 4 loves 247 By advancing ä the Creatures in our opinions