Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

248 A Sermon Preached before joyes into teares a What an alteration would it make in our lives a If wee did beleeve it indeede, ( hould we be fo taken up in feeking of wealth, and outward excellencies, and not rather in growing rich in faith and good - worker r If it were well planted in our hearts, we fhould minde nothing but grace and fin : for rp,Jctow grace on ely findes ac- ceptance witlz.Cyo4tvz ablk onely provokes him to anger. And indeed what in the world elfe is worthy our intor, qAs : you may joy in thefe things,but í}i11 ret ember the Apofiles rule, Buy as if you bought notgo eigNeve ,u if you grievednot,Oc. Why fo e Becaufe thcfe things can doe you neither hurt nor good,if they could,they might have your intentions, but they cannot. Therefore doe as uJTofes did, Heb. i t . 27, He endured, for he faw him that was invifi6le. What then a Therefore hee for6oke Egypt not fearing the wrath of Pharaoh. When he faw God in his greatnefle, when hee faw him that roes invifible, that is, when he faw him as if he had beetle vifible, it removed all fare of the creature. When a man fees the Sunne, what- is a Candle or Torch to him e And fo will all rhefe things fame tothee, if thou couldft fee Godin his might. If God onely doth good and evil', why then doe you haften after outward things and wea- ry you felves in vaine for that which will not pro. fit a Therefore the Schoole -men call fin c../iverfia a Dee and Converfio ad Creaturam, a turning from God,and a turning to the Creature. aeflion con- But you will fay, to what end then are the crea- cerninb the tire of the creatures tures a And what will you have us to doe t