Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

4....,111,illoow", the Commons - houfe ofParliament. I anfwer, you may make ufe of rhefe things (I deny you not that liberty) onely ufe them with a dependant of edion, fo as Rill you have an eye on G o n ; you may take water out of the Rreame fo as you have an eye to the Fountaine; you may take light from the Aire,ro as your eye be on the Sunne. St) thatiftkeglory ofthe5uj';fet, you account all your light to bee gone thcY5iï you have the Aire Rill : that is, you may enjoy all thcfe outward com- forts, you may ufe your malt': and friends, and have Wife and Children, &c. but your comfort fhall not bee more nor lefle, nor your profperiry longer nor shorter, than as God is pleafed more or le a to íhirie on you, by the enjoyment or want of whole favour, you may be happy in the want of all, and abundantly miferable in the having of them all. Therefore faith the Prophet, You haveforfaken God the fauntaineofliving waters ,and digged to your elves Cißerns that will hold na voter. What is that a It is as if the Lord Paid, what doe you meane a It is the Lord that doth all ; hee is the Fountaine,and the Creatures are but Cifternes, and all their corn - fort is but borrowed. Againe, you have in God living waters, that is, comforts of a better nature; 1 but the water that you find in there piss is but mud- dy water. Againe, he is a fountaine that is never draw n dry, but there are broken pits that hold no water. !I Againe, if God onely doe all good, and evill, then let us confider that what bufinrlle foever wee have in the world, what outward imploymenr fo- ever wee exercife our felves in, yet our maire bufine ffe 249 n fìv. They are to be ufed with a fiibordinatc of feetion, To locke to Got in all our bufincflè.