Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

250 ASermon preached before bulinefíe is in heaven ; we be ready on all occafions to look to the face of the Ruler,of the Phyfatian of men,and creatures : but we forget that the fwaying of the ballance this way, or that way, is from the Lord. When Jacob had prayed earnflely to be deli. vered from Efaua, God anfwers him, thou haft pre- vailed with God, 4n4g f u,(lislt prevaile with men; fo whatfoever bufineíï have on carth,ifyou will bring your enterprize Ò paffe; prevaile with God, and you (hall be f re to prevaile with men ; turne him,and all is turned with him,for all depends upon him. Whatfoever is done on earth,is fiat done in heaven,and concluded there, and then we feele and nee Both in- tafte the fruit of it here.From this generali we may in parti- defcend to particulars s and from hence culats, you may learue, That it is not our Army by Land, nor our Navy at Sea that íhall fecure us at home, orpre. vaile abroad, though it be well that thefe things be done, and therefore you doe well in contributing cheerfully to his Majefty,for the maintenance they- of,for the common good: yet ftill remember that all your bufinefie is in heaven ; and that you mat truft more to your faithful] prayers, then to your preparations for íucceffe in all enterprifes. It is not our wodden wals that will guard us,nor the lea wherwith youare invironed,nor our policy, counfel,and ftrength that will fecure us,it is turning to God,and clenfing the Land from the fins wher- with he is provoked,that will do it. Turne to him, and he will turne to you, that fhall be a bleflàng on uä and our enterprifes.This is to fee Godin al things, this is to fanUifie and exalt him for God, in our hearts; without this all is nothing. I