Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons-boufe of ?'arliament. I will end this poynt with this briefe dire ion: you know there is in every man (I fpeake now of every man that is holy, and not of others who are f rangers from God)rhefle/h,and the fpirit;there is faith and fenfe: and one of thefe two every man lets on work to take a view of the things that are before thé If you fet faith and the foim tto work on things, they will tell you, it th g' not what outward things are, what the creature is, for it is God that doth all: fet the flcfh on werke, et fenfe and carnali reafon on worke,and they sill bring quite contrary newes ;like the wicked Spies that were fent into the Land of Canaan, who when they did but calf their eye on the fta'te of things there, they were firlt dif- couraged themfelves,and then dtfcouraged the peo plc; oh there be Gyants, and wxls reaching rip to hen. ven!! Wheras the good Spies that looked on things with an other eye, brought another kinde of mef- fage. Ina thus it is with us,in fending out our Spies to Tooke upon the flare of things before us, if wee fend forth the Fleth, Senfe and Reafon, they bring report of terrible Wals, and cruel Gyants, their power is fo great,their forces fo thong, that there is no medling with them ; but fend Faith, and the Spirit, and the Will, like good Spies looke on I things with a right Iudgement,and indeed that is all the difference betweene an holy man, and another; the one looks on things with another eye, he fees a vanity in the Creature, which the other doth not, hee fees an All.fufficiency in G o D, which the other cannot. And therefore he bath onely an eye to the :Loa n all his care is to ferve him, and 251 Vfï3 Set Faith and the Spirit on work to judge of thefe things.