Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

152 of Sermon Preached before Two generall points. S inne caufes Wrath. Which he illu íhrates by a Companion. o6jtc. From the in. fenl bleneffc nf, wrath. vlPejw. Containing in it the proofes of the dgarine and pleafe him in all things.So he bath no ill newes from heaven,he cares for nothing on earth. The other cares not how matters (land betwixt G o n and him, fo all thingsbe well below,fo his Moun. raine Bands firong ; and therefore that wee may judge of things with a righteous judgement, wee mutt bet carefull to,fee them in their true nature, which onely Faith, `:r xt 4pirit will prefent.And fo much fheil ie :ic foi' thzloint. You fee then, tilt it ís the wl.ath of G o D that doth aii hurt,and the fá our of the Lord that doth all the good. We clime now to the fecond point, which will come in well upon the former : That it is the fin that caufes wrath ; fin and wrath are knit together, tl_ey are infeFerable. So that as Eli/ha laid, when 'charism lent a mefTenger unto him to take away his life, whet, he was fitting in the houle with the refl ofthe Elders, shut the doore upon him, and hold him faff, for 44 not tbe f and ofbls Maßers feete behinde him ? So I fay to every man,If fin and wrath come together, then firff Phut the doore of (in,which is the Meflenger, fuffer it not to come in, give it no entertainment, for is not the found of his Mailers feet behinde r Doth not the wrath of God follow e And (hall not that wrath takeaway our head, as Eli/ha Paid e Therefore, ifyou will keepe out Cods anger, keepe out fin. But you will fay, I feele no fuch thing. I have committed finne, and yet have no experience of his wrath following fo dole upon it e I anfwer, you muti know this, that as difeafes mull have a time ofripening,fo mull Panne. You know