Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons - boule ofParliament. 253 know the poyfan of a difeafe enters not into the heart at firft : Sinne bath certaine Yefligia, which are fèt downe, lames t. 14.. 'When Lull is con, ceived it brings forth finne, and when finne is rip- nedand peafetled, it brings forth death. The realon why it brings ,not death prefently, is, becaufé it is not ferfea, becaufeit is not ripe. The flanes ofthe . vlmorites, faith God, are nos lea full. i..4hab had committed a finne, hebad got the. Vineyard, and ilaine Z abotb, and yet heard thing of it j, but when he had killed, and taken po±feil pn too, then carne the Mcfl'enger of wrath, and execution fol- lowed. God let Iudas goe on, till he had made the match,taken recompence,and bttrayed his Mailer, but then wrath came in upon him. God flayed a great while,till the fin of Pharaoh was perfeeted,till his hardneffe of heart was come to a ripeneffe, and then he was drowned in the Red -fea. Therefore, in the fecond of the , omaans it is faid, There is a treafure of wrath. Now in a treafure there are three things : Firíl, when a man is once able to treafure up any thing, he is Bill adding to ir, and by degrees it growes : and in that fenfe the Lord hath a treafure ofwrath, as we adde fins, he addes drops to the viali of his wrath, till it be full. 'Secondly, it is a treafure for a time, it lyes í}i11 a while, for elle it were no treafure. And Thirdly,when the time of expence comes, \then it is opened : And fo it is with the wrath of the Lord, it is gathered by a little and little, as you !hope up fin by littleand little, then it lyes covered for Gods wrath is a treafure. r _ Becaufe our finns adde to his wrath. s . Becaufc it lies 11111 for a ume. 3 . Beeaufe in time it is ex- pended. `1.-sa.