Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

2S4 l Sermon Preached before for a time, but in due feafon there fhall bee an ex- pence of it; if you low to the flefh,the feed muff lie covered a time,and then it mull have a time ofripe- ning,but at length comes reauing.Thereforebe not deceived in this, though you feele not the wrath prefently, yet thinke not that it will not follow. No, be allured this linke betweene finne and wrath cannot bee diffolved. You (hall findei, phrafe in 2 Pet.2:3. Whof damnation 9eepeth not; what is the meaning of that e That is, they bring on therrifelves fwift Deftruetion, though they thinke damnation fleepes, yet it loth not fo, it goes as fait as we, and will be lure to meete us in the journeyes end. So cMof s ufeth this phrafe, Tour fnne ¡hall fink you oat : And. David in the Pfalmes faith, -Evillßhall hunt the violentman to overt hrnv him; that is, Sinne when it is committed is like a kload- hound, which, though a man be got farre from the place where a thing is aged, yet followes the Tract, he purfucs, and gives not over till hee bath found : So G o D fets finne upon the Sent, as it were, and it will bee Cure to finde us out. And for the moft part when wee thinke our felves fafeft, it deftroyes us fudden- lieff. Doe not thinke therefore, that thefe two linkes of finne and wrath can beefevered. Tbat which deceives us is this, wee fee all is quiet, and Sinne is like a beare no more of finne, butyou muff know that all Ronny clOud. that while finne is fending its cries to heaven for vengeance, which are like unto the Vapours in the middle Region, that are fent up infenfibly, wee fee them nor,we heare them not,but they come downe in a Storme. As G o D faid to David, Thou of- ^ fendedfi