Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons - houle ofParliament. 255 fendedit in fecret,but thy pum]hment Jima be before this swine. Wee thinke finne a fmall thing : A great Simile, body, when we are paft a mile or two from ir, we thinke very little, which proceeds from the weak.. neffe of the eye. The fame imbecillity is in our mindes, when finne is paft a great whilefince, we look not on it as the fame thing, whereas the finne is the fame in it felfe, the fame in Gods account, and fl7althave the fame punifhmenr. But you will fay, Is this the cafe of every man Who then (hall bee Paved I anfwer, there is a difference in finnes. Sinne doth not alwaics bring the fame thing to paffe in all, though in fome cafes it may ; both godly men and evill men doe finne; Pearles and Pibbles may both fall into the mire, but one is a Pearle,thc other a Pibble. And there is this difference in the punifh- menr,ifa Sonne offend,his Father will chaflife and admonifh him, but not caft him off, the Father will fpare his Sonne in whom he delighteth, but ifa fer. vant offends him, he turnes himout of doores, and will no more have to doe with him ; if you be fer- vants of finne, eternal] wrath fhallcome on you, he will turne you out of doores, and utterly caft you off. Wee will apply this. And fs-l}, it fhewes you, that if finne í1i11 drawes on wrath, then if you `cannot fee finne in it Idle, yet fee it in its Bffeéls, !in its Concomitants, as it is attended on by the wrath of G o D ; though you care not for the blackneffe objecI.2. From the ge- nerality of fin. lnfw. Yet all fin not alike. And therefore are differently puniüred. Pre I. Of the Point. To fee finne in its cffc ì5.