Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

2 if Sermon Preached before i blacknefTe of the cole, yet care for the burning of the cole ; though you care not for the foulenef a of finne, which holinef e fhould teach you to regard, yet let the fire that is in it move you, fpecially con. fidering it is the wrath of God, which feare and felfe -love fhould perfwade you to decline: P /l.go r r. faith the Pfalmtft there,igbo knowesthe power of hid wrath? As if he had laid, no man knowcs it but thole that !lave felt it. I fay ,it is a thing we doe not know : Rom. 9.22. faith the Apoftle there, What if G o n to thew his wrath, and to make hia power known, fader with mach patience the veels of wrath fitted to Deflruc`iion ? Marke it ; the meaning is, when the Lord comes to execute his wrath, he will (how his t.4lmighty power therein : As bee Thewes the Riches of his glory in his mercy to o- thers, fo his very Power, yea, the:raafcendentgreat- nef ip of his power (hall be declared in his Wrath. But, alas, wherefore doe I goe about to enlarge my expreffions of this Wrath r The truth is, you will never underhand it by the fpeaking of others, it mull be the Lords worke. If he will manifeft himfelfe to you, that is, if he will open a crevife to let in to your foule the feat glimpfe of him in his wrath and anger,it will amaze and confound the floutelt hearted of you all. Saul was a flout man, c 4chltophel was a wife but when God manifefted himfelfe to them, as he did to Saul the day before he dyed, when God would not anfwer him, when he apprehended God in his wrath, he fell downe to the ground. If God be let againft us, let but an imagination, an apprehen. iron, Which is urged from the Ter- rota of Gods wrath.