Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commmons-houfe of Parliament. 257 fion, yea, the lcatf thing, come as a Meflengcr of his difpleafure, as an Arrow dipped in the vznome of his wrath, it (hall be infupportable. But you will fay, I never felt it to be fo terrible. objete. I, but if once the Lord (ball mingle the leaft trouble- From the firrne thought with his wrath, fo that you (ball fee him not prefer; in it; I fay, that will amaze and confound you, as the I °f feeling hand- writing did BedJhazar It was nor the hand- wri_ An/w. ting that did foditfemper him,but the apprehenfion of it is not an angry God,that was able to take away his life from Ca ébt i him. When God came to Elijah, I King. I9. I I. he is not ap- fir(t of all fent a wind that broke the Mounraines, and prchended rent the Rockes; then be fent an Earthquake, and then a Fire, to let him know what a God he is : And thus (hall every man finde him, that meets him not by re- pentance. Therefore doe not trait to this, that the fins you committed are long agoe pall. I will for that purpofe commend unto your remem_ 2 brante Ioabs cafe; and Shime's cafe : Joab had coin- sinne re- mitted a finne long agoe, but he was never a whit the maines °n better for that, his pardon being not fued out, God fo Rcc °rd. ordered it in his providence, that his Gray- haires (hould be brought to the grave in bloud. SoShimei feemed to be quiet a great while, but at lait the Lord met with him. I may alfo tell you of Sauls finne in wronging the Gibeonites, though it retied a while, yet it was brought home to him at the end. w But, you will fay, I feele nothing But let not that deceive you; remember that terrible laying in i sa.3, And, s Samuel threarned from God a great judgement on the length houle of Eli ; but the houfe of Eli flourished flill : It God will is no matter for that fayes Samuel, I would have you orik once for all. ..__._. S know