Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

258 A Sermon Preached before ohjeél. The re- medy pre - fcribed, is to meet the Lord Anfw. Which confins, firn,in Humilil- tion. know this,that when the Lord begins,he wil allo make an end,that is the greateft terrour of all others, When a man obfavcs this to be his cafe, to lye in fin,and goe on in fin, and thinke there is no Iudgemenr,nor greater terrour,it is an argument that when God begins, he will alto make an end. As when one that is feld ficke, is feized upon by f ckneffe, he is as one that is left by the Phyfitians, there remaines nothing but death. But you-will fay to me, If this wrath of God be fo terrible,and it be fin that brings this wraíh,what (hail I I, doe e, I anfwer , It is your wifedome then to meet the Lord : L4mos 4. a 2. Therefore, faith God, will doe thus unto thee, and becaufe I will doe thus, prepare to meet thy God, o ifrael. When the Ifraelites had finned, fa yes C24ofes to Aaron, Behold his wrath is gone forth, run quickly with Incenfe,and (land betwixt the living and the dead. It is our caíe,wrath is gone our,the Plague is begunne amongfl us ; therefore let every one Tooke to his owne privates, and know that the way to prevent further lodgement, is to meet the Lord. But what is it to meet the Lord e It Rands in two things : Firfl, in Humiliation of our hearts; Second- ly, Reformation of our lives. Firff,there mull be Humiliation,and indeed till then, no man will goe in ro God. We preach Reconciliation in the Gofpellg but men regard it nor, becaufe they be not humbled ; men will only cheapen the kingdome of God,but they will not buy it; they wil not go through for ir,till they know thebitternefl'e of fin. Men doe in this cafe, as the Ifraelites,ofwhom when Cyras¢ made a Proclanmation,that everyone that would might go out of