Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the C'emmmons -houle of Parliament. r 259 of Captivity, only they went, whole hearts the Lord flirred up ; and what fhould flirre up our hearts to goe out of the bondage of fin? Surely nothing but this fenfe of finne, Humiliation for, and Apprehcnfion of the wrath of God. In the IubilP, every man would not go out of fervitude,fome would continue fervants ft ill; and why c' They felt not the yoke, for if they had they would havegone out. So I fay, this very Gofpellthat we preach is a generall Iubile, every one may go out from under the yoke of Satan if he will; but till men feele the bitterneffe of fin, the heavinef a of his yoke, till men be humbled they will not goe out, but con- tinue feruants Rill. And therefore Humiliation is firfl required ; for as long as a man haft anything to truft to, hee will not come in. It was the cafe of the Pro- digal! Sonne, as long as his goods failed, he thought not of returning home, when they were fpcnt, he hi- red himfelfe forth,and if that could have afforded him a living,he would not have come home,nay,if he could have got huskes to maintains life, he would (till have flayed abroad; but when all rneanes of comfort failed him,w hen he had nothing to fupport him,then faith he, I will goe home to my fathers houfe. And fo till we bee humbled throughout, fo that we can fee no meaner of longer fubfaffance that our hearts be throughly touch -. ed with the fenfe of fin,we wil never come in to God ; and that is the firft thing we mull doe. Secondly,this is not enough,but that you may meet the Lord there is required reformation likewife. And herein I will fay this briefly, you muff remember that this reformation begenerall, of greater finnes, and of fmaller too. S 2 You In Refor-i mation,