Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

1 260 d Sermon Preached before ojeel. You will fay, I hope there is Come difference, and The Gnal- every fmal! finne is not fuch a matter. I will (hew the n't danger even of final' liiones, and fo will end this point. Theie,l{! You (hall fee what a finali finne is by that fpeech of fin is dif- Samuel, i Sam, 15. 23, when the Lord had bidden obedience Saul togoeand flay the Amalekites andde ro them and againfi y God in_ theirs utterly, but Sant did not fo, for he (pared the bell lance of of the flock s and L./1m their King : Samuel gives the exam' him this anfwer in ell tt . Saul, faith he, be the thin - ple of sari/ 9 g The ex- never fo final!, yet thy not doing of it is difobedience, ample of yea, ir is flubbornnefle and rebellion. And fo 1 fay to every one, be the finne never fo fmall, inftance in what you will, is it not difobedience r Suppofc it bee the leaft Oath, yea, but a vaine fpeech; fuppofe it be care. Icfïc; performance of holy duties, bee they what they will, yet is it not difobedience a Is it not repugnant to what the Lord hath commanded f As the Lord faid to vidam, the matter was not the a1ion of ea ting of the Tree,but haft thou eaten of the Tree of which I laid Thou (halt not eate. And if it be difobedience, whether is be in greater or fmalier matters ; fee what Samuel judgeth of that, Difobedience and rebellion is as the finne of witchcraft, thou haft call the Lord away by doing it, The meaning is this, When a man comes under the Lords government, he applies himfelfe to him as the Souldier doth to his Generall,alwayes to follow him, and in all things to obey him; now bee that difobeyes his General!, he calls his Generali a- way and leaves him. And thus sod was Paid to call Every rn the Lord away,becaufe in that particular he would not is the fet_ ling ap of follow him. another Againe,why doe you ceafe to follow the Lord, but God. that