Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commmons -pouf of Parliament. 267 that you Pct up force other god to follow r And ther- fore Savruel addes, flubbornneffe and difobedience is as Idolatry; that is, you never difobey God, but you take another god to you, therefore it is no fmall fin, becaufe every finne is difobedience. And finne God commands exadneí %,fincc he bath commanded me to keepe the Sabbath, to pray, and to be fervent, and fre- quent in it : confider it, (hall I negleol what the Lord bath commanded me r If there be a command to this or that duty, am not I bound to endeavour to keep it r And if I goe afide, ought I not to returne againe, for elfe it is dilòbedience e It is true, the ben of the Saints are not able to doe all this; that we doe not deny,yet this they doe, they endeavour to doe it, they carry a conftant purpofe of heart to doe it,they defare to doe it, they never come to give over flriving to doe it; they never fay, I muff give liberty to my felfe in this, I cannot choofe but faile in this,and fo lay afide their wafters : they have continuall war with Amalek, they never make peace with fin ; and that's the difference betwixt fpirituall men and others, they are as a Spring : for if an uncleane thing fall into a Spring, the Spring is not unclean, becaufe the Spring workes itout again: Indeed if it fall into a Pond or Pit of water, that fhali be uncleanebecaufe it lies there, it cannot work it our. So it is with every godly man; in every regenerate heart there is a Spring ofgrace,though he may fòmetimes fall into foule fins, yet he will work them out, and cleare himfelfe againe : whereas another ' man when he is fallen into fin, continues in ir, the guilt and power of it remaines upon his foule, and he ex- cufës himfelfe with the fmalnefíe of it. S 3 This A díffe rence be- twixt a godly'and a wicked man in re- gard of finnes.