Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

262 No fin is fmall, for it is cons - mittèd a- gaina an exac4 Law Mal. The third generali point , Zeale turnes a- way wrath A Sermon 4'reached before This is a common fault, and therefore I will preífe it the more. Confider that which Chrift faith,Heaven and earth /hallpa ffe, but the leafl jot of this Law Ad not pa j : What is the meaning of that t' It is as it he had faid, Tome things in the Law of God you may thinke fmall, which are but lotas, though other things bee greater; but take you 'heed that you keepe every parti- cular, for there is not a jot of ir, but the Lord will have all his fervants regard it exactly; they fhali ¡lave refpc6 to every Commandement, and to every part of that Commandement, the leaft particular in his Law (hall not paffe away. For confider, if it were not fo, it would be a prejudice to the Lords wifdome, for there would be fomething that he commands which we might flight. But the Lord that path commanded all both great and (mall, knowes that it is belt that all í1a11 bee kept, and therefore though heaven and earth (hall paffe, yet the leaft jut of that Law (hall not paffe; that this is the meaning of the place you may fee by Chri(ls expofirion of the Law. The Pharifees faid, vtdultery muff not be committed, but I fay (faith C x a I s r) Hee that lulls bath com- mttted adultery in his heart : They faid, Tom marl not !Weave by the Temple, but I fay, Sweare not at all: they faid, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, but I fay, you muff forgive your brethren. Thus we muff labour to refift in every,even t he leaft particular,andreforme our ¡elves in the,omiflion of the leafl particle of the Law. And fo much likewife for the fecund point. Thirdly, we come now to confider what it is that turnes away his wrath, and that is Zeale. Phine,IAbath turned away my .wrath, while bee was zealous for my fake