Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commmons -hou[ of Parliament. 2 )3 rake ; fo that Zeale turnes away the LORDS wrath. You fhall fee it exemplified in Elijah's anfwerto the LORDS demand, I King. 19.4. What dojl thou here Elijah? As if he had laid, what haft thou done abroad in the world e Sayes he, l have beene zealous for the Lord of [lofts, betau fe the Children of Ifrael have broke thy covenants, thrown dome thine t4ltars, and killed thy Prophets, and I only am ofèaped. As if he had laid, I have done the molt I could for the lafety of the Church, I have beene zealous for the Lord, and there- fore he prevailed with God for his own deliverance. You may fee it likewife in leha,who being zealous not in word only, but in deed alfo, turned away the wrath of the Lord. And you may know it by the contrary, that it is zeale that turnes away the Lords wrath, becaufe it is coldnes and Luke- warmneí% that brings on his wrath, Rev.3. 16. confider there, what is the reafon why the Lord will fpue out the Church of Laodicea, and can it away e Becaufe it oas lake - warme, and therefore the means to continue or procure his favour,is it not beate and zeale ± Againe, Revel. 2. 4. The Church of Ephefus fell from her firil love, what then a Therefore I mil come agaìnfl thee f hortly,and remove thy Candle, flick. Then to abound in love, fo that our workes may bee more at laft, than at firft; to be zealous for the Lord, is the way to flay the Lord among us, and to continue his Gofpell of peace. Therefore (by the way) it is not only the great fins of the Land that are caufès of Goias wrath, but the coldneíle of them that are otherwife good, that cau- feth the Lo R p to remove the Candlefticke. The S 4 very I Proved by Scrip turc and in- í nces, LENA'r The truth of it ap- p cares from the danger o Luke - warmnes. Coldnefí'e provokes as much Enne.