Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

264 A Sermoni Preached before very coldnefl`e of the Church of Ephe¡us, in falling from her firf1 love; the luke.warmeneffe of the Laodi. ceans, the Lord would not indure in them. Lct every man confider this; is his zeale now as much as it bath beene, if not, let us know that it is rec_ koned coldnefl'e, and luke- warmeneffe : the falling from our frft love, is the caufe of bringing Gods judg- ments on a Nation. But what is this zeale e Zeale is nothing elfe but the intention of all holy affeIions and adiions. I will goe no further than this Text to thew the nature of ir. Which is a $inning Phineas was zealous, that is , bee not only did the up of af- thing, but his heart burned within him with zeale for God. So as, Firft, there muff be a ftirrin g p a u of ff e` fcftion. Lord, L o R D ; and this is it that difcovers true Zeale, to looke onely to the L o R. D, to have no by- refpeds, as there may be zeale that makes a great deals of heats, and yet it comes from the earth, although it makes as great a ¡how as the heft. 3 Againe,there mutt be intention, not only of affe5ti- Theremuer ons, but alto of aEtion. Therefore it is faid, while bee be w it intention ith was zealous for my rake among them : as if he had laid, of action, this zeale of Phineas was not kept ¡Mothered in his own brett, but it brake forth into action; he had Com. thing for the Lord. And indeed, it is aaion that glorifies God, and that benefits men,only actions Rand on our reckoning: for you know God judgeth every man according to his works. ItisaEtion that doth our felvesgood ,thatmakes us ufefull,and ferviccable to men; and the Church,that makes us inftruments of Gods glory . Therfore ad adi- on Rion; Secondly, it mutt bee holy, it mutt be for the the