Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

the Commons-hole of Parliament. on to affection, and know that zeale ftands in both, for it is the intention of holy a1ions and affections. I will ad no more in the explication,but will briefly apply i':. And firft, if it be zeale that turnes away the Lords wrath, then why thould we difcourage wale ; by it I dare be bold to fay the City finds. Why do wicked men cry down all religion and zeale under the name of precifeneffe,and overmuch fl runes of life,walking bouldly in the firects, and reckoning it their glory to wound God through the fides ofinene So that they make thode that beare the name of Chriff, ready to reckon that their flame which is their glory ; to hang downe the wing, and to feekecorners to hide their heads in : whence it is,that the fervants of Chrif} follow their hlafler afarreoff; as if they were halfe afhamed of his fervice, when as they thould weare his Livery in open view, as accounting that their greateft honour. It were well,iffome meanes were ufed to pre- vent this. If it be zeale that turnes away the wrath of God, we thould doe well then to nourifh and cherifh them that are zealous. Are not Religion and zeale the two which hold all up r Are they not the Pillars that beare up the Church and Common - Wealth e Are not they the retcues that deliver the Citie e Yet do not wicked men with them, as thofe that to lop the Tree are fill hack- ing at the boughes e But the Lord fill holds them up, and the world for their fàkes. For why is this heape of chaffe preferv'd from burning e Is it not be- caule there is folne Corne,{ome Wheate mixed there- with :' If the Corne be once our, will not the Lord (as men ufe to doe after winnowing) let the chafe on firer As 2 65 yrr. Not to d ifcourage thofe that be zealous The fee. quency of luth dtf- couragc- ments. The ill ef felts. Zeale and, Religion, the Pillars ofChurch and Cbm mon- wealth..