Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

266' They are Go Ds Peatles, though caft out it the world. rfè 2. Contai- ning tna- Í ny Convi &ions of our want t Sermon Preached before As Women with Child are grieved to be elivered, of the Lord 'byes till the world be delivered, as it were, of all his Elea ones, of all the Saints, of all his holy and zealous ones, "and then (hall be brought forth the Iudgment of the great day. The Wotld may call out thefcmen, as the Sea Both Pearles,among mire and dirt,but they arePearles notwithflanding . God knowes them to be fo, and wife -men know them to be fo, yea, Pearles excelling other men, as much as Iewels doe common '}ones, as much as Lilies and Rofes doe Thornes and Bryers, a- mong which they grow. What's the reafon that Eli- jah is called the Chariot of Ifrael,and the Horfe men ther- of, but becaufe he was an holy man, that did much for GODS Glory, that did more advantage the State at home,and did more prevaile abroad,than all the Cha- riots and Honk -men. And may not we apply this to the zealous among us : Therfore,when we injury any of them, doe not we cut off the haire from Sasrspfons head, wherein the flrength of every Country and Na- tion, and every City and Towne confifls a Yea, the cutting off of them, is like the cutting off of his 'pekes, which the more they grow, themore flrength a King. dome hath. I fay no more, but commend it to every man in his place, wilhing that you would let it be your general! care to encourage true Religion and Zeale, the omitting whereof, I am perfwaded, is one of thofe things which caufeth the Lords hand to be firetched forthagainfi us. Secondly, if it bee Zeale that turnes away the Lords wrath, then where is the Zeale that fhould be among us e Are