Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

r the Commons -bout of Parliament. Are we not rather fallen into thefe latter times the Apoftle fpeakes of; which fhould have a forme of Religion without the Zeale, and Power and Life of It e And if Zeale turnes away Gods wrath, ,certainly then this formality, this overlineffe of Religion, this coldnefi'e without Zeale and Power, is it that brings on his wrath. It is true,and we cannot deny but know- ledge abounds amongft us, as the waters in the Sea: But where is the Salt a That is, where is that Zeale, and holineffe that fhould feafon all our knowledge Where is the Fire that fhould adde pra6tice to our knowledge,and make it an acceptable facrifice to God ? Wee have the light of former Times, but not their heat: As he complaines, Ignu qui in rarentibus fuit calidue, in nobs lucidus; The Fire which in ancient Times was hot, is now only light. We thinke it en- ough to goe to`Church, to receive the Sacrament, and fo to keepe a round, as it were, to doe as moll doe, being carryed about with the generali courfe of the World , as the Planets are with the reft of the Spheres, contrary to that which fhould bee their proper motion. But , I befeech you, confider it. Is this Religion e Is this the Power of Godli- neffe ; is this to bee Baptized with the H o L x G u o s T, which is as Fire ? Surely, Reli- gion Rands not in thefe outward formalities, but in changing the heart, in making us New Crea- tures, in mortifying our Lufts, and thorowly pur- ging out the love of every corruption. There - fore, if you will turne away Goes wrath, turne your formality into Zeale, that is, content not your felves with the performance of the duties of Religion externally, 267 of Zeale. i. From the forma- lity of the Times.