Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

268 ! 1 Sermon Preached before I externally, but get that wherein the power of godli- nef e. eon fins, elfethe outfide of Duties will not divert Wrath. ,Againe, did Zeale turne away the wrath of the. L OR D,then where are our zealous affeé} ions e Why are we not zealou3 for the Lord, and zealous againfi fin You know Chrift died for this end,that he might purifie unto himfelfe a peculiar zealous people of good workes, Titus 2.14. Men doe good aáions as a Taske, they are glad when they be over; but doe you them with much intention, much fervency, much &fire, bee you a people zealous of good workes. Therefore in Romans I2. t t . They are put together, bee fervent in fpirit, and fusing the J o R D; im- plying that the Lo R D refpedts no fervice, but as it is joyned with fervenci : Thereforeknow, that it is not enough to ferve the Lord in an ordinary Tradt, you muft mend your pace to heavens it is not enough to go,but you muff run the way of Gods Commandements. And as you mutt be zealous for him, fo you muft be zealous again(' evill : For you mutt know this (and mark it well) it is not enough to abflaine from fin, it is not that alone that God will accept, but he bakes that you fhould hate fin. As it is Paid of Lot, his righteous foule was vexed with the uncleane converfàtion of the Sodomites, that is, his heart rofe againa them, there was an inward diflafte againft them; the like you (hall fee in David and cíktofes. You will fay, I hope I deteft finne, and am angry with ir. It may bee fo; perhaps you are angry with finne, but Zeale you know is an intention of the affedtion of a. Convì aion. From oui want of afi'eaion for the Lord. Againit fanne> Differen- fces be- twixt Ha- tred and ! Anger. 1.1 Hatred s conf}ant