Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Commons-bode of Parliament. 269 ofhatred,and it is required that you hate tin: Rev.z.6. This thou haft, that thou hateft the :vorke of the Nicolia- tRns, which ialfo hate. You will fay, how doe they differ e You fhall know hatred by this. Firfl,it is a confiant affec`tion,it abides with us; An- ger goes away as all pallions doe, it is but for a fir, for a flafh, on fomc occafion. re Againe, hatred is alwayes of generals ; the Sheepe a.alní! tTle hates all Wolves, we hate all Toads, all Serpents. I whole { fay,wherefoever there is hatred, it turnes to the whole species Species. Now doe you hate all fin, all kindes of finne, one as well as another e Do you not only abflain from them,but alfo hate them,of what fort foever they be e Lafily, Hatred leckes the utter deflru6lionof the 3, Itrefis thing hated. Anger would have but a proportion of Iu- ! not but in utter de- flice, as L./frill. layes. Now is it fo with your Do you I ffruftion. feeke the utter deftru6 ion of fin, abflaining not only ludge of r from groffe fins, but from all dalliances, from the leali b thré touch of fin,cleanfing your [elves from al pollutions oE jukes. the fleflrand 1piriteIf you will be zealous for the Lord, then know that this is required, that you not only doe things, but that you doe them zealoufly, that you not only abftaine from finne, but that you hate ir. Againe, if it bee Zeale that turnes away the wrath 3 sort -' of the L o R D, then where is our boldneffe our cou- ram , , ourtvant rage, our forwardnef e for the Truth Why are we of fo fearefull and flak of doing the thing that other_ s,;`É°Ir, wife we thinke meet to be done e For zeale hath that property among the refl , it makes men bold ; the Zeale of the Apo files was knowne by their boldnefle. But you will fay, Aman maybe too bold. { objea.